Reasons Stay-At-Home Parents Should Have Life Insurance in Murrieta, CA

by | Jun 17, 2019 | Insurance

These days, a two-income household is the norm, and parents usually have little choice but to leave the children with family or in daycare. However, there’s been a recent rise in the number of parents choosing to stay home with the children. A stay-at-home spouse may wonder if they need Life Insurance in Murrieta CA. After all, they’re not bringing in any income. The services an at-home parent provides are worth more than they think, and in some cases, they’re irreplaceable. Read on to learn about life insurance for stay-at-home parents.

It Pays for the Stay-At-Home Parent’s Daily Duties

A life insurance policy pays for more than funeral costs. Think of all the things a stay-at-home parent does in a day. With enough planning, it’s possible to leave behind a policy that pays for all those things and many more.

Paying for Childcare: It’s More Expensive Than Most People Think

Life insurance helps cover childcare costs when a parent passes away. While an at-home mom or dad may not bring in any income, they do cover childcare, which is a major expense. It’s a 24-hour-a-day job, one for which the parent could make more than $143,000 per year. It’s best to think of that figure as the at-home parent’s effective income even if it doesn’t show in a bank balance.

Planning for the Family’s Future

As the family grows, so do its needs. Will the kids play sports, or do they plan to go to college? Many at-home parents return to the workforce when their children get older, but that has its own economic pitfalls. Life Insurance in Murrieta CA will ensure that the family gets to take advantage of every opportunity, whether it’s next week or years in the future.

In Conclusion

A stay-at-home parent has one of the toughest jobs on Earth. Just because they don’t get a paycheck every week doesn’t mean their work has no value. Families can protect what they’ve built with life insurance policies for at-home parents. Call Barranca Insurance Services Inc. today to learn how to take care of the family’s current and future needs. You can also connect them on

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