Reasons to Consider Enrolling Your Child in Spanish Immersion Preschool

by | Sep 14, 2017 | Preschool

Choosing a preschool or daycare for your child can be a difficult task. Fortunately, there’s a new type of preschool on the rise that helps a child develop by immersing them in another language, most commonly Spanish, and the benefits are numerous.

What is Spanish Immersion Preschool?

The main thing that differentiates an immersion school from others is that children are taught either partially or fully in a language different from the one heard at home.

Why is Spanish Immersion Preschool Particularly Effective for Children?

Young children soak up language like a sponge. As they grow and learn to speak, and later read and write, their minds adapt to listening for and recognizing the particular sounds and words of the language most commonly spoken around them. By enrolling them in a Spanish Immersion Preschool, you’re giving them the opportunity to be exposed to an additional language that can both improve their skills in their native language and enable them to become bilingual from an early age.

How Can Spanish Immersion Preschool Give My Child a Head Start in Life?

The many benefits of bilingualism have been thoroughly explored by modern science. Studies have demonstrated that children who are introduced to two languages in their developing years tend to have improved concentration and creative thinking skills. Bilingual children are also exposed to the culture of both languages. This helps them to develop sensitivity to our innate diversity and gives them the confidence to step out of their comfort zone when interacting with unfamiliar people or cultures. Beyond this, your child will also have an advantage in any career they enter if they continue to develop their language skills beyond preschool and remain bilingual.


Enrolling your child in Spanish Immersion Preschool is a fantastic way to prepare your child for a successful start in life. By giving them the gift of a bilingual upbringing, you’ll be setting them up to have a strong mind that’s ready to tackle the challenge of kindergarten and beyond.

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