Bills can mount up and make it difficult for people to pay them. You may also lose your job and be unable to pay for anything beyond your basic needs. That’s when you either have to make payment arrangements with your creditors or file for bankruptcy. If you need to hire a Las Vegas, NV, bankruptcy law firm, following are some key benefits it can offer you.
Experienced Team
An established bankruptcy law firm in Las Vegas, NV, will usually have a significant amount of experienced in the industry. It’s also helped many people file for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. The firm also employs skilled lawyers who fully understand the bankruptcy process and can help you get approved for this particular status.
Helps You Restructure or Unload Debt
If you have an income but need a way to restructure your bills, for example, a bankruptcy law firm in Las Vegas, NV, can help you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This will generally reduce your monthly payments to one lump sum that you’ll pay to a trustee.
Represents You In Court
If necessary, a bankruptcy law firm Las Vegas, NV, will attend your bankruptcy court hearing. This is where your attorney can convince the judge that bankruptcy is your only option and help you qualify for it.
An experienced Las Vegas, NV, bankruptcy law firm can help you protect certain assets, such as your house or car. You will, however, have to agree to a payment plan to save these items when filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Newark & Newark Law Firm is a highly experienced bankruptcy law firm that can help you successfully file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.