Reduce the Pain and Mental Anguish of Dental Procedures Using a Sedation Dentist in Redding

by | Jan 18, 2016 | Dentistry

If the fear of the dentist’s office keeps a patient away, then there is a good chance that the person will end up with more dental problems than other people experience. This may seem obvious since the person will be making fewer dental visits, but some folks are so afraid of the dentist that they would rather experience the pain of a toothache than attempt to have the issue repaired. Luckily for them, there is an option known as a Sedation Dentist in Redding. Simply speaking, this is a dentist trained in more complex ways of providing anesthesia. However, there may be a few things to try before the process gets to this point.

The first level of sedation may be familiar to many dental patients. This is the use of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. A small, continuous supply should keep most patients calm enough that the dentist can continue working with few concerns. Combine nitrous-oxide with a local anesthetic and most people won’t even feel the procedure being performed. Sadly, many people’s fears go much deeper and require a more aggressive approach.

There are two ways to handle deep-set fears. The first comes in a pill that relaxes the patient before they come to the office. This particular method will require the patient to have someone available for driving since narcotics tend to last for many hours and affect the way people respond and react. However, using this technique requires coordination between patient and dental office because the window of opportunity is a bit narrow. Narcotics have a tendency to peak and then have a lesser effect as they wear off. An alternative is a form of Sedation Dentist in Redding very similar to the type used in surgeries-;an IV, or intravenous drip.

The use of an IV is restricted to people with special training because it is the most difficult method to control. The dentist needs to provide enough medication that the patient is relaxed without over-medicating them. This is important for procedures where the dentist requires some feedback from the person in the chair. In most instances, strong sedation techniques are only used for major procedures, but there may be times when the patient simply cannot endure any procedures without them. At this point, the dentist must decide if the procedures are necessary to the patient’s health and weigh all options carefully. Click Here to learn more.

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