In Illinois, couples married for at least 20 years are entitled to permanent or long-term spousal maintenance. However, either party’s financial circumstances could play a role in getting different types of spousal support. Read the Illinois spousal maintenance statutory guidelines that apply to the majority of people to find out how much you could get in monthly payments.
Calculating Spousal Support
When calculating spousal support, the court calculates 33% of the paying spouse’s income. Then, it subtracts 25% of the spouse’s income, who will receive the payments. This value equates to how much the spouse must pay in spousal support.
However, suppose the receiving spouse increases their income by over 40% of their combined income. In that case, they won’t continue to receive spousal support. These calculations are part of the Illinois spousal maintenance statutory guidelines that apply to the majority of people.
Temporary Spousal Support
You can get temporary spousal support during the divorce to help you adjust to your new lifestyle. The payments start from the day you file for the divorce and end once the divorce is finalized. Chicago divorce lawyers can explain how to get started and how much you are entitled to receive.
Short-Term Spousal Support
If you want to complete an educational program, you could get short-term spousal support to pay for your education. These opportunities help you increase your earning potential so you can maintain the lifestyle you had during the marriage.
Long-Term or Permanent Spousal Support
Chicago divorce lawyers can help you calculate permanent spousal support. For example, you could get long-term support until you remarry or when your former spouse dies.
Spousal support helps individuals maintain the same lifestyle they had while married. Under Illinois divorce laws, most spouses must be married for at least 20 years to get permanent support. Contact Michael Craven to find out more about getting spousal support.