The Role of a Wrongful Death Attorney in Tampa, FL

by | Jan 21, 2014 | Uncategorized

Negligence and willful acts are the key hinge words in the definition of wrongful death. This term is often defined as the taking of the life of another person by a willful act or negligence. Most importantly, these deaths must be the fault of another person. Often, close family members will file a claim for compensation. Most commonly, these claims range from a car accident to medical malpractice. The persons suing and filing the claim can be any of the following, immediate family members, financial dependents, life partners, distant family members, any person suffering financially as a result of the death, or the parents of a deceased fetus, in some states. These lawsuits can sue companies, persons, cities, government agencies, and employees. However, some states offer immunity for certain persons or agencies.

Three types of damage are available to those filing this lawsuit; these are economic, non-economic, and punitive. If one is located in Florida, a wrongful death attorney in Tampa, FL can help the client decide which type of damage compensation is best. Economic damage includes any medical or funeral expenses, loss of the victim’s earnings and benefits, loss of inheritance, and the value of goods and services that would have been provided by the victim. Non-economic claims include damages for the mental anguish or pain, loss of the care, guidance, and advice from the deceased, loss of love, society, and companionship, or loss of consortium. Punitive damages punish the defendant for bad conduct. However, these damages are not available in all states or applicable to all lawsuits.

The best attorney will help the case toward a positive end. One should make a list of potentials for a Wrongful Death Attorney in Tampa, FL, then meet with each one for a free initial consultation. One example of an attorney is H. Dennis Rogers P.A. who has over three decades of experience in wrongful death cases, medical malpractice, and personal injury. During the initial meeting with the attorney, one should discuss the amount of cases taken to trial and the amount settled out of court. One should also talk about available options for resolution and an estimate of the cost for services.

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