Your information system’s mainframe and database contain huge amounts of data that occupy a finite amount of space. This info often gets duplicated over time, and this can lead to a number of revisions that are made on certain documents or info that can end up obsolete. These files are usually saved under different names or as a different kind of document. These copies will begin to add up to a whole lot of extra space being used on data that has already been saved. Merge purge software acts in combating these problems efficiently. Using this particular utility will help you identify these inconsistencies and either remove them or create a unique file with them merged as one.
Easy to Use Programs and Utilities
Merge purge software is easy to set up, and after following a basic tutorial complete with a wizard program, you’ll be ready to set all of the parameters for your network. This is what informs the software how it will go about identifying the offending documents. This is just one thing that your tech department will find helpful when implementing this solution. When this is completed, you’ll be ready to start erasing and merging old items immediately. This frees up storage space, and as a result, increases the speed of your mainframe.
Works with Both Consumer and Company Storage
A search function is used to search both corporate and customer files in one pass. It will allow you to do broader searches in a shorter amount of time. This will give you a quicker turnaround and get you back up and running at full capabilities faster.
Self-Generating Report Feature
The software can create an informative report showing you any of the problematic files and offending data centers in question. It will also create for you a well-informed and easy to understand report about where your problem areas are, and how it could go about correcting the issue.
This program will be a great benefit to your business, if you’re looking to increase dataflow, and need help in your IT department with maintenance utilities. This program should not be overlooked. It is a simple but effective tool that will remove or merge your documents into more a more refined structure. This will increase storage space immediately, and should boost your network speeds on any mainframe running with too much-unused data. Try it out if you find your systems getting sluggish.