Searching for a Trained, Focused Court Transcriptionist?

by | Oct 31, 2013 | Lawyers and Law Firms

While a large part of court reporting involves transcribing legal proceedings that take place within a state or federal courthouse, there are various paths available to qualified reporters. Court reporters are often required to become state certified professionals in order to receive employment, but they also have access to different voluntary certifications that allow them to gain an edge over their peers. In various fields, the skills offered by court reporters are considered valuable assets. So, whether you’re searching for transcription services for your law firm or a professional to create closed captions in real-time for a live program, a well-known and experienced court reporting agency can get the job done.

Available Options
Court reporters spend a good deal of time improving their attentiveness, vocabulary, grammar, understanding of medical and legal terminology, and more. Once a court transcriptionist completes their schooling and training and receives their state certifications, a number of available career options open up to them. Many choose to work full-time within state or federal courthouses, while others operate more as contractors. Freelance reporters and reporters who work through agencies often find work completing deposition reports, recording hearings at municipal courts, transcribing arbitrations, and creating closed captions for television producers and networks to assist deaf and hearing-impaired viewers.

Qualities to Look For
What makes a good court transcriptionist has a lot to do with not only extensive practice and training, but essential natural traits as well. Organizations or individuals who employ court reporting agencies for various jobs often look for reporters with certification, attentiveness, and unbreakable concentration. Reporters can’t afford to be easily distracted, and must remain focused on the dialogue being exchanged around them. Transcribing with as few errors and omissions as possible is a goal every dedicated court reporter strives for. Good transcriptionists also possess many other traits that aid them in their occupation, such as observance, adaptability, patience, and a penchant for working in silence.

Jersey Shore Reporting offers professional transcription services at reasonable rates. Their reporters are state certified shorthand, real-time professionals.

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