See a Dentist in Haleiwa for Any Tooth Pain

by | May 15, 2015 | Dentistry

Many people avoid going to the dentist, whether it’s a fear of the procedures or a fear of the costs. However, avoiding going to the dentist for regular checkups can lead to problems. If you start experiencing pain in your tooth, you’re going to want to go to a Dentist in Haleiwa as quickly as possible. The pain is not going to just go away on its own, you’re going to need to find the cause and have it corrected.

Often, the pain you’re experiencing is going to be a cavity. This is only going to become worse as time passes and it could mean your tooth will need to be replaced if it’s not taken care of quickly. For a basic cavity, your dentist will be able to drill out the cavity and replace it with a filling. If the cavity is left to grow, the dentist will need to perform a root canal. This is done by drilling the tooth and removing most of it. A small rod is placed into the tooth and a crown is put where your tooth used to be. This replaces your tooth and is a sturdy alternative to a missing tooth, but it is much more expensive than just having your cavity filled when it’s smaller.

Other tooth pain can be due to an infection or trauma to your teeth. The infection will need to be cleared quickly to ensure it doesn’t spread to the rest of your body and cause you to become ill. Trauma can be anything from scratching your gums to something lodged between your teeth and your gums. Your dentist can figure out what’s wrong and correct the problem before it causes an infection in your mouth.

No matter how severe the pain is, if you are experiencing pain in your mouth you’re going to want to see a dentist. The Dentist in Haleiwa can find the root of the problem and make sure it’s corrected so you will no longer feel pain or have to worry about the problem getting worse. Contact your dentist today to set up an appointment so you can make sure your teeth and mouth are in great shape once again.

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