Should You Create a Resource Page to Help Build Backlinks?

by | Jul 4, 2022 | seo-marketing-services

Do you have a website with great content, but not enough backlinks?

There’s a simple solution to this problem – create a resource page on your website where you share valuable information. This will help build backlinks, increase traffic, and boost your rankings.

But should you do it? This post will explain why creating a resource page is a smart move, and how you can get started.

What is a resource page for a small business website?

A resource page is basically an article or blog that provides useful information about the company. It could be news articles, product reviews, industry trends, case studies, etc. The goal of these pages is to provide value to readers by sharing knowledge about the company.

Why should you create one?

Creating a resource page is a good way to start building links back to your site. If someone finds your website through Google, they are going to want to know more about what you offer. A resource page helps them learn more about your products and services without having to search around.

It also increases the chances of getting featured in other websites. When people see a link to a resource page on another site, they may click through to read more about your company. And when they find out that you’re offering something unique, they might even buy from you!


Creating a resource page for your small business website helps build backlinks because:

– People who visit your site will likely want to learn more about you.

– Your resources will appear in other sites’ blogs and articles.

– They’ll be able to discover new ways to use your products and services.

If you’re looking to promote your small business website, creating a resource page may be the best place to begin.

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