Signs it’s Time to Look into Roofing Contractors in Lexington, KY to Repair Wind Damage

by | Oct 5, 2018 | Roofing

Not all homeowners realize that high winds can damage their roofs even in the absence of hail, rain, and snow. Asphalt shingle roofs are particularly prone to damage during wind storms, often beginning to show signs of trouble when winds reach just 50 mph. Homeowners who are concerned about whether or not they should have their roofs inspected after high winds can read on to find out about a few of the warning signs that it’s time to look into roofing contractors in Lexington KY for an evaluation.

Lifting Shingles

This issue occurs when the nails holding shingles in place begin to come loose. It can be difficult to see from the ground, as the shingles tend to appear intact until they have been closely examined. In reality, though, the sealant between the shingle layers has likely sustained damage, and the roof will need to be repaired to avoid future leaks.

Curling Shingles

When looking for curling shingles, focus on the roof’s stress points such as its corners, edges, and ridges. Curling shingles are slightly more obvious than lifting shingles and may be visible from the ground. When this problem begins to occur, the affected areas will no longer be able to prevent rain, and the roof may begin to leak during the next storm.

Gutter Damage

When high winds sweep granules off the roof’s shingles, they often wind up in its gutters. The presence of a large number of granules in the gutters is one of the most obvious signs that it’s time to find roofing contractors in Lexington KY who can help, but it may require getting up on a ladder or the roof.

Flashing Damage

Homeowners whose houses have chimneys should check their chimney flashing to ensure that it is not damaged or missing after high winds. This area can be a stress point, and strong winds are hitting it at the wrong angle can wind up causing it to split or even to come off completely.

Missing Shingles

By far the most obvious sign that something is amiss is missing shingles. If there are areas of the roof where one or more shingle has been removed during a wind storm, these must be repaired quickly before the rain has the chance to get in and cause water damage. Contact us to schedule an evaluation today to get started.

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