Signs That a Refrigerator Repair in Holden, MA is in Order

by | May 19, 2015 | Appliances

After years of faithful service, chances are that the refrigerator will develop some quirks. Rather than replacing the appliance, why not see if a refrigerator repair in Holden MA, will make things right again? Here are some of the signs that a repair will be a better choice than buying a new refrigerator.

The Produce is Freezing

Once upon a time, the temperature inside the refrigerator was just right. The milk stayed cold, and the vegetables in the crisper would keep for several days. Lately, things have changed. The milk is still cold, but everything in the crisper is frozen. Chances are that a professional can find out what has caused this phenomenon and take care of the Refrigerator Repair in Holden MA, in a matter of hours. As a result, the fridge will offer excellent service for several more years.

Puddles in the Fridge

Water seems to be collecting in the bottom of the refrigerator. The only problem is that no one has spilled any liquids. A leak has developed somewhere and needs to be repaired. A professional can trace the leak and do what is necessary to take care of the situation. That will bring an end to the task of having to wipe out the bottom of the main compartment every couple of days.

Water Under the Fridge

If the homeowner notices water collecting and running from under the refrigerator, calling a repair service is the right move. The problem could be as simple as a leak in the line that supplies water to the ice maker. A quick repair does more than protect the supply of ice. It also prevents damage to the flooring underneath the refrigerator.

The Freezer Is Not Cool

The main compartment may still be at the proper temperature, but the freezer compartment is not cold enough to keep everything frozen. That means having to toss out a lot of food. Have a professional check the system and find out why the freezer is not working properly. In many instances, the issue is a minor one that may require nothing more than one part to resolve.

For more information about refrigerator repair, browse our website today. If any of those examples reminds the reader of something that is happening, schedule a service call at once. Doing so will have the refrigerator back in proper working order in no time.

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