Signs That It’s Time to Call An Electrical Contractor in Chicago Heights IL

by | Jan 17, 2019 | Electrical

Electrical safety is important for the family and the home. When visits from an Electrical Contractor in Chicago Heights IL are few and far between, there’s no chance to find issues before they turn into serious problems. As a home ages, connections loosen and wiring frays. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to perform routine maintenance. Knowing the signs of electrical failure will help homeowners keep themselves and their surroundings safe.

Burnt Outlets

When an electrical outlet has burn marks on its cover, the energized wire has come into contact with the ground wire. Over time, dirt, dust, and corrosion can bring these problems.

Lighting Problems

If the home’s lights are dimming and flickering frequently, there’s a loose connection or a voltage fluctuation somewhere in the system. Other symptoms include bulbs that glow too dimly or too brightly, or those that burn out faster than normal.


If there’s smoke that has an electrical odor, there may be a fire. A short may cause a fire if it happens inside the walls and ignites other materials. If there’s a sign of an electrical short, turn off the breaker and call an Electrical Contractor in Chicago Heights IL as soon as possible.

Rodent Damage

If there are rats, mice, or squirrels in the house, they may damage the wiring. Thankfully, this problem isn’t as prevalent as some of the others on the list, but rodents are known to cause serious damage.

Overloaded Circuits

Another sign of an impending electrical problem is a breaker that trips often. Circuit breakers are designed to trip, or turn off when they become too hot; this prevents electrical fires and other damage. If a breaker does this all the time, there may be a ground fault, a short, or an overloaded circuit.

Short circuits, tripped breakers, burnt outlets, power outages, and other problems point to more serious issues within the home’s electrical system. These problems don’t go away without treatment, and for the family’s safety, it’s important to get them fixed right away. Call Bates Electric Inc to schedule service or visit the company’s website for more details.

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