Dental patients may begin to experience tooth decay at just about any point in their lives, even if they practice good oral hygiene habits. Unfortunately, biological and lifestyle factors can play a large role in determining overall dental health, so even if readers make a point of brushing and flossing every day, they should still keep an eye out for the following signs that they may have cavities developing. If they notice these signs and symptoms of cavities, they should contact their dentists immediately to schedule an appointment to get the dental fillings in Indianapolis IN they need to prevent further decay.
Tooth Sensitivity
Sensitivity is often an indication that a patient has cavities forming. Most patients report sensitivity when their teeth are exposed to extreme temperatures or unusually sweet, sour, or sticky foods.
Tooth Pain
Small cavities don’t always cause significant tooth pain, but they will eventually begin to hurt if they are left for long enough. Many patients find that they begin to notice this pain when they chew, though others find that the pain is consistent. The only way to address this issue is to have the decaying tissue removed and replaced with Dental Fillings in Indianapolis IN, so it’s best to take action as soon as possible to avoid more extensive dental problems.
Visible Dark Spots
Cavities often appear as tiny black spots or even visible holes in the tooth. If they are in the front of the mouth, patients may be able to see this decay when they look in the mirror. Cavities that are located in the back of the mouth may also be felt with the tongue; they usually feel like rough spots.
Food Gets Stuck
It’s not uncommon for some types of food to get stuck between patients’ teeth, but if food gets stuck between certain teeth every time that a patient eats it may be a sign of cavities forming. Similarly, if patients find that the floss tears between particular teeth each time they perform their nightly dental routines, it might be a sign that cavities are forming in that area. Check out website domain to find out what to do or schedule an appointment with a dentist today to get those cavities filled.