Your garage door is more than just a way to hide the interior of your garage. This movable structure is an integral part of your home’s overall security measures and insulation system. To prevent damage or perform a Garage Door Repair Orland Park, it’s essential to inspect your garage door system periodically. Use the following steps to do this. You may have to alter these to fit the type of garage door system you have.
Before you can inspect your garage door to do a Garage Door Repair Orland Park, learn about your particular garage door system. If available, read the user’s manual. You can also find a copy of this online by visiting the website of your garage door manufacturer. Your garage door, garage door opener, and garage door hardware make up the garage door system. A garage door operates by spring tension. The garage door ascends and descends on metal tracks located on either side of the garage door opening. Hinges attach the garage door to the rollers that move along these tracks. The tracks are secured to the walls by mounting brackets.
Start your inspection by viewing the condition and placement of the metal tracks. The vertical parts of each track should be parallel to one another. The horizontal portions of the tracks should angle down slightly from the garage door opening to the back of the garage. Loosen the mounting brackets when there is an irregular alignment. When you replace the fasteners, ensure that they are securely tightened. Look for crimps and dents along the tracks. Use a mallet to pound out any defects.
Over time, grime and other materials can accumulate on the tracks. This can obstruct the movement of the garage door. Use a household cleaner of your choice and mix it with water. One part cleaner to one part water is suitable. With a hand towel, clean the tracks. Rinse with clear water to remove any traces of cleanser. Let the tracks air-dry. By following these steps, you can perform Garage Door Repair Orland Park and prolong the useful life of your garage door. For information on garage doors, talk to an expert at A Better Door & Window.