A Social Security Disability Application Is Intended for Long-Term Benefit Payments

by | Nov 17, 2017 | Legal Services

Disability benefits paid by the Social Security Administration are intended to be provided on a long-term basis, so they are not suitable for someone who will be able to work full-time again within a few months. Thus, someone filling out a Social Security Disability Application must submit evidence that the physical or mental problem hindering the ability to work will be a long-term issue. Federal benefits can be obtained until the person’s condition improves or until he or she reaches full retirement age, at which time Social Security retirement benefits can be paid instead.

Definition of Long-Term Disability

Before submitting a Social Security Disability Application, the individual must have an injury or illness that will prevent working full-time for at least one full year. The person may have suffered a serious back injury that will take that long to heal, for example. A serious illness that requires treatment for a year or longer in the effort to survive should qualify, and a terminal disease does as well. California residents who expect to be disabled for less than a year can apply for state disability benefits instead.

Preventing Denials

The application process for federal disability benefits may seem simple on the surface, but most applications are denied and must be refiled or appealed. There is no guarantee that an appeal will be successful either. This is why having legal representation by a lawyer such as Eric R. Hunt is essential for preventing denials and avoiding delays in benefit payments. An attorney makes sure the application is filled out correctly and that all necessary medical documentation is included. Information on this attorney can be seen at website

Continuing Disability Reviews

A continuing disability review is commonly scheduled while the person is receiving benefits if the administration believes the person’s condition will improve and the individual can return to work. This depends on the type of illness or injury and is scheduled after one or three years. The main evidence the administration seeks is verification from a medical provider that the individual is still disabled and cannot work full-time. The person is still allowed to work, but the requirement is that he or she is only physically or mentally able to make a specific maximum amount. You can also like their Facebook page for more information.

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