Social Security Disability Lawyers Can Help Applicants Who Were Denied File an Appeal

by | Sep 19, 2020 | Lawyers & Law Firms

The government denies more than 60% of applications for Social Security disability benefits. When applicants want to start the appeals process, hiring social security disability lawyers can help them have a much better chance at being approved. These attorneys know what the agency is looking for to confirm that the claimant truly cannot work full-time and the situation will remain this way for at least a year.

Appeals Deadline

Appealing the denial must be done within 60 days, so the applicant shouldn’t delay seeking social security disability lawyers for assistance. If the deadline passes, this person then must start from scratch with a new application. Success is more likely at the appeals stage as long as all the required documentation is provided and the forms are filled out properly. Missing information is a primary reason why so many claims are denied.

Problems with Reapplying

The communication from the Social Security Administration will explain why the claim was denied, but the attorney can provide additional insight into what happened. There are three distinct problems with waiting too long to appeal and then reapplying with a regular claim.

The first is that valuable time has been wasted, during which the person may not have any other income. Second, when an appeal is successful, the benefits are paid retroactively to the date of the initial application. That amount of money can be substantial. Third, people tend to fill out the application form on their own without professional legal assistance. They assume they can figure out from the Administration’s explanation what went wrong and how to fix it. Too often, that second attempt at receiving benefits is also refused.

A Better Chance for Success

The appeals process is much more successful than the initial application, with around 60% of appeals being approved. The claimant must typically appear at a hearing where legal representation by an organization such as Gillick, Wicht, Gillick & Graf will be helpful. Some further requirements may be set forth, such as an appointment with an independent physician for another exam.

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