Men and women use various excuses when they avoid scheduling a hearing test in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Some don’t want to admit they have lost some hearing ability, even though they continuously ask people to repeat themselves. Others don’t like the idea of wearing a hearing aid. Doing so might make them feel old. Yet resolving the problem will improve quality of life as well as the person’s marriage.
Relevant Research
Research published in 2014 showed that a spouse’s hearing problems can result in marriage difficulties. Nearly 70% of the study’s participants reported feeling frustrated about the spouse’s hearing impairment that developed after the marriage.
Changes in Behavior
The person with some acquired hearing loss may wonder why the spouse feels this is such a big deal. The TV can be set at a higher volume and everyone could speak a little louder. The problem goes beyond this, though. The individual might consider whether his or her behavior has changed in other ways. If so, it’s probably time to schedule a hearing test in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
For instance, is this individual avoiding restaurants and social events because it’s hard to understand conversations? Does he rely on the spouse to repeat what others are saying? Does she avoid using the cell phone because of hearing issues?
Advancements in Technology
Advancements in technology have produced hearing aids that are nearly invisible in the ear. The devices work better than ever because different versions address specific issues audiology patients have. For updates follow us on Facebook.