When somebody lives in a single-family residence, they may have a difficult time understanding the amount of trash that people produce on a weekly basis. If they move into an apartment complex with a Dumpster in San Antonio TX in the parking area, the problem becomes clearer. It can be alarming to see how much garbage is stuffed into that container every week. They may wonder what they can do to minimize their own production of trash.
Decreasing Food Waste
Food waste is a big problem in this country. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates food waste to be between 30 to 40 percent. Much of that is at the retail store and restaurant level, but individual consumers are at fault too. They throw away leftovers and they buy too much food and then let it expire. Although the waste would normally rot away if buried underground, it cannot do so when packed into a plastic garbage bag and then buried in a landfill.
Composting can be difficult and pointless in an apartment complex since the tenants don’t have gardens. Creating a weekly meal plan and a grocery list can drastically reduce the amount of food waste by a household. Household residents should periodically go through the refrigerator, freezer and cabinets, and use items that the oldest before they expire. That way, much less food will be thrown into a Dumpster in San Antonio TX.
Using Stored Products
Many men and women have no idea how much stuff is stored in their cabinets. That doesn’t just include food, but personal care products and many other items that will eventually expire if not used. They might set a goal to use up practically everything in the apartment before buying a similar new product.
Switching From Paper Products to Cloth
Another strategy is to switch from paper napkins and paper towels to cloth ones. It might be difficult to decrease the amount of toilet paper a family uses, but they can use fabric napkins instead of paper ones. They also can use rags and dishtowels to clean and wipe up spills instead of paper products. That reduces the garbage going into a container supplied by a company like Tiger Sanitation. You can also connect them on Facebook.