Surgical Facelift vs Nonsurgical Facelift Options: Which Is Best for You?

by | Oct 3, 2018 | Plastic Surgery

Your face is the first thing people see and it’s what they will remember about you. If you are bothered by signs of facial aging, there are now many ways to address them, including surgical and non-surgical options. The right option for you will depend on many factors, including the areas you want to address and how much improvement you want to see. Here’s how to choose between non-invasive options and a traditional facelift in Lincoln Park.

Which Area Do You Want to Address?
A surgical facelift addresses aging of the midface, including nasolabial folds, excess or sagging skin, and loose skin around the neck, jaw, and cheek. A facelift will not address the brow or eyes. This means it won’t help with brows that are drooping, loose skin around the eyes, or puffy lower eyelids. Non-surgical solutions may not be best for very deep folds or eliminating sagging skin or excess fat but they can be effective at combating wrinkles.

Are You Concerned About Your Skin Texture?
Facelift surgery addresses loose or excess skin and fat and helps define the features of your face, especially your jawline. It won’t improve the texture of your skin. If you are concerned with improving your skin texture and correcting mild laxity, non-invasive options like a PRP facelift or a laser procedure will be more effective.

How Dramatic Will the Results Be?
A facelift is capable of producing very dramatic results but, depending on the technique and your aesthetic goals, it can also produce more subtle changes by better defining your jawline and correcting subtle sagging. Non-surgical options will not be able to produce results that are as dramatic as a facelift. Depending on your goals, this may be a better option for you if you are simply interested in banishing crow’s feet or mild wrinkles.

Do You Want Permanent Results?
Non-invasive procedures like dermal fillers, Botox, laser procedures, and PRP facelifts can all make you appear years younger by addressing common concerns like wrinkles, pigmentation, and mild skin laxity. The downside of non-surgical treatments is they will not offer long-lasting results. Depending on the treatment, results may last six to twelve months and fade over time. If you want longer-lasting results, a surgical facelift may be the best option.

Are you considering a facelift in Lincoln Park? Schedule a consultation with Adam J Cohen, MD to learn which treatment option will best help you achieve your goals.

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