The 4 Ws of Roof Maintenance Services

by | Jul 29, 2015 | Roofing

Service contracts are more than just pieces of paper; they can help homeowners save money by extending the lifespan of a home’s roof. By knowing their responsibilities, a homeowner and a roofer can establish a solid business relationship that allows both sides to benefit. Here is a list of the 4 “Ws” of Roof Maintenance Services, along with a brief explanation of how these factors come into play.

Who is Responsible for Roofing Maintenance?

Proper roofing maintenance responsibilities are shared among several parties. In the construction phase, a consultant or architect should include maintenance in the roofing contract. Most roofing materials manufacturer warranties require documentation, inspection and repair as a condition. Although it’s the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that a maintenance schedule is set, it’s the homeowner’s responsibility to follow through by telling the contractor about leaks, usage and the like.

What are the Components of a Successful Maintenance Agreement?

Roofing maintenance contracts are usually written agreements between roofing contractors with 35 years of experience! and homeowners, listing the work to be done and the cost of the job. Because every roof is unique, there’s no such thing as a standard contract. Roofing contracts can be structured as follows:

1. Open-ended
2. Cost per square foot
3. Flat fee basis

The benefits of regular roofing maintenance are clear. The average roofing inspection costs $1500 per visit, or about $3000 per year. That may seem expensive, but it’s much cheaper than replacing an entire roof because of structural failure.

Where are a Roof’s Trouble Spots?

Before work begins, a homeowner and their roofing contractor should do a thorough inspection. This step allows parties to agree on the work to be done, and the timeline along which it should be completed. If the homeowner can’t participate in the inspection, the contractor should take pictures to document the repairs to be done.

When is the Best Time to Get a Roof Inspected?

The frequency of Roof Maintenance Services has a lot to do with the roof’s usage and location. In most cases, twice-yearly repairs and inspections are enough to keep a roof in good working order. However, certain roofing installations may require more frequent inspection. When maintenance costs are discussed, the homeowner should ask if they’re covered by a guarantee. If a roofing contractor and the homeowner work together, the business relationship can be long and profitable.

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