The ABC’s of Hiring an Event Production Company

by | May 25, 2015 | Event Planning

With so many event production companies vying for your business, how do you sift through the lengthy list of ‘potentials’ to find an event manager that is qualified and experienced?

Know what you are looking for and why you need to hire a professional

Is there a specific aspect of the event that you need support in, or are you looking for someone to offer a complete management solution? The latter gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that an experienced professional is overseeing your entire function.

After you’ve determined your requirements, it is vital to take a moment to prepare an event brief. This will normally include the following:

* Venue requirements
* Event promotion
* Keynote speaker management
* Budget requirements

A. See what ‘Google’ has to say

The best businesses can be readily found (and reviewed) online. A simple web search for event management companies will net dozens of results.

B. Make a vendor shortlist

From the results of your online search, identify the businesses that most meet your requirements and thoroughly research their websites. From here, you should find comprehensive information about their service offerings and the service areas they support.

Is their website easy to navigate? Does it look like the company provides the services that you need? Can you find evidence to support claims that the company will save you time and money and deliver an event that meets your expectations?

C. Meet with your shortlisted vendors

Next you will want to meet with your list of potential event management vendors. Use this meeting as an opportunity to ask as many questions as possible and gauge their interest in meeting your requirements.

How did you feel after the meeting? Do you think you can get along well with their team? Do they appear to have genuine interest in going above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction?

Lastly, ask for a formal proposal that outlines what exactly they will do for you.

D. Pick your top choice

If you feel that you’ve located an event production company that is capable of doing what you need them to do, and will do so within a reasonable budget, now is the time to negotiate contract terms. It is wise to not delay as the best event companies often books months (some even years) in advance.

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