The Danfoss Compressor: Using Low GWP Refrigerants

by | May 23, 2017 | Tools and Equipment

The Danfoss Group serves a global market. With headquarters in Nordborg, Denmark, the company has grown from a small group into an international concern with plants across Europe and North America. The markets it serves are commercial and industrial. One of its well-received products is the Danfoss compressor. These meet the specifications and provide the technical capability for air conditioning and refrigeration.

Refrigerants and Danfoss Scroll Compressors

The latest models of scroll compressors feature Intermediate Discharge Valves (IDVs) and low or ultra-low GWP refrigerants. The Danfoss Turbocor compressors, for example, continue to offer high-energy efficiency and IDV oil-free magnetic bearing technology. However, they also provide companies with the ability to be more environmentally friendly. This line of compressors accomplishes this by using HFC-134a or HFO-1234ze (TG310). The former is a low-GWP refrigerant; the latter is an ultra-low-GWP refrigerant. The chemical composition of both ensures it does not deplete the ozone layer, therefore, having less impact on global warming.

Although using low and ultra-low refrigerants, a Danfoss compressor never compromises on performance and functionality. The compressors still provide what customers have come to expect from Danfoss. The latest models:

 * Are oil-free – reducing maintenance while increasing environmental friendliness
 * Include variable speed – as do previous models
 * Offer a 3 percent higher efficiency than previous Danfoss Turbocor compressors
 * Are magnetic bearing
 * Are lightweight
 * Have low vibration and sound levels

These compressors also have intelligent controls systems.

The Danfoss Compressor

Danfoss Group remains a leading manufacturer in the field of electronic and mechanical components and controls for air-conditioning, heating, refrigeration, industrial, and water systems because of their ability to provide products that reflect the changing nature of commercial companies. They have responded to the need for environmental sustainability and other issues by producing high-efficiency, compressor solutions. A Danfoss compressor continues to be a success in the marketplace globally because the company understands how important it is to address key industry challenges.

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