The Dental Process Involved With Being Fitted With Dentures in Elk Grove

by | Oct 16, 2019 | Dentistry

Adult teeth were not designed to last forever. In fact, by the time that you reach your thirties or forties, you could already have teeth falling out.

Rather than live with missing and damaged teeth, you can restore your smile and feel better about your appearance by getting dentures in Arlington Heights. You can prepare for this process by learning what is involved and how long it can take.

Removing Your Remaining Teeth

Before you can get dentures in Arlington Heights, you first have to get all of your remaining teeth removed. This process can take several dental visits. Depending on your overall health and the condition of your teeth, your dentist may not want to remove all of them at a single time.

You also could have stitches in your mouth after having molars and front incisors taken out. You have to allow the stitches to heal before you can get your dentures placed in your mouth. You also may require one if not two follow-up dental appointments to make sure that your mouth is healing properly.

Denture Fitting

Before your teeth are removed, your dentist will make a mold of your mouth. This mold will tell your dentist how the dentures need to be designed in order for them to fit properly.

After your mouth heals from your extractions, you can be fitted with the dentures. Your dentist will make sure that they fit securely over your gums. He or she will also make sure that you can speak, chew, and breathe normally with them in your mouth.

You might feel nauseated at first when you wear your dentures. You will get acclimated to them quickly by continuing to wear them every day.

You can find out more about getting dentures online. Contact Schumer Family Dental Care.

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