Has the Applicant Been Pressured to Reduce or Stop Work Hours?
A disability claim attorney gets paid if they manage to win the case. Because of this, disability lawyers decline to represent clients if they don’t see a chance of winning. They can also fail to represent a client if they note that the disability claim applicant has already been approved.
If the applicant has been approved, there will be minimal chances of benefiting or the payment will be little. Disability claim lawyers and their assistants screen most cases to assess an application first before proceeding with the representation.
How Does a Disability Claim Attorney Detect a Weak Case?
At times, there are red flags that designate to the lawyer that there is a weakness in the application. Also, some indications show an attorney that the case will be overly burdensome, making winning unlikely.
There are various categories attorneys break down disability claim applications. They include;
- Fragile Argument for Medical Admissibility
A disability lawyer may feel that your application will be challenging to win if the following is present:
? Lack of unswerving medical treatment history
? Refusal by medical practitioners to offer supportive statements
? The applicant is under the stipulated age of 45
? The applicant is claiming unemployment benefits
? The applicant is not eligible for SSDI or SSI
? The claimant stated that other disability lawyers wouldn’t handle the case.
Jackson and MacNichol team have more than twenty years of experience representing clients. They are committed to their work and are proud to battle for all veterans’ rights in the US. For more information, contact them now.