The Importance of Protecting Your Tattoo Shop with A Digital Waiver

by | May 20, 2022 | Software Company

Tattoo shops are growing every day, and the industry does not show any signs of going stale. Tattoos are becoming a main form of expression. People who run tattoo shops have to provide a safe environment along with following all local, state, and federal rules. Tattoo shops have to protect themselves from being sued, even if some of the risks of getting tattoo work are obvious. Making sure that customers understand potential risks like getting an infection, or having an allergic reaction is imperative. Having them sign a waiver will help to protect the tattoo shop from being sued.

Digital Waivers

In the past, a release form could be signed and kept in a storage cabinet on the premise. When a tattoo shop gets busy though, keeping all these tattoo release forms organized can be somewhat difficult. Things can get moved and lost. Fortunately, there is a solution, and that is with a digital tattoo release form. These forms are done 100% online, and the records can always be accessed. All a tattoo shop needs is a tablet, phone, or computer, where customers can sign the Tattoo Release Form. Customers will love how easy it is to sign this form, and the tattoo shop owner will love how all their records can be easily accessed in the case of someone trying to sue. A digital waiver should be presented for signing before any tattoo work is done. Even if a customer is a repeat customer, it is still a good idea to have them sign the waiver again.

To know more, visit eWaiverPro Digital Waivers today.

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