The Possibilities Using Sheet Metal Stamping

by | Feb 4, 2019 | Metal Fabrication

Many people outside of the metalworking industry are not aware of the benefits and possibilities in shaping simple to complex metal parts. While they may be aware of the process of metal stamping, they may assume it is only for very basic and simple parts and components, which is certainly not the reality with modern equipment and technology.

Cost Savings and Speed Factors

Sheet metal stamping allows for sheet metal to be quickly, precisely, and efficiently shaped. It uses a single or a series of die and high pressure to force cold sheet metal into specific shapes. Unlike extrusion which requires the metal to be in a heated and molten form, metal stamping requires no heat, so it is a much less costly process.

With the use of specialized setup technology, waste can be almost completely eliminated during sheet metal stamping. The shaping of the parts can also be very fast, and the systems can run with extremely limited operator supervision. Once the system is set up, it runs automatically and, like all computer controlled operations, the parts produced are identical to each other and without the variation that can be seen with other types of manual forming processes.

Shapes Possible

Simple flat shapes, also known as blanks, can be easily and effectively created by the stamping process. However, three-dimensional boxes, raised shapes on a flat surface, punched areas, folded parts and components or any type of box shapes or rounded shapes can be created using sheet metal stamping.

It is important to choose a company with experience and expertise in providing metal stamping services to the standards and tolerances required. Large OEMs in the automotive industry, construction services and in creating parts and components of a wide range of consumer goods use this process as a cost-effective way to create quality parts.

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