There have been many diet based approaches to attain weight loss in the past. Most of these require you to take up regular exercise as you go about your daily activities while you are on the restricted diet. A recently developed approach is that of using HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin, along with dietary restrictions to effect rapid weight loss. What exactly is HCG? How does it effect your system to bring in the desired change in weight?
Well, to begin with, HCG was first detected in women during pregnancy. A certain level of HCG is present in the urine and blood samples of these women and this indicates that the body metabolism is normal. The main function of this hormone is to maintain functional efficiency of the placenta by making it immune against fat accumulation. This basic role of the HCG was hypothesized to be effective even in normal human bodies. This had triggered a great deal of research wherein doses of HCG were injected in the human body to initiate fat loss.
Today, the use of HCG for weight loss is simpler and more effective. Dietary experts do not ask you to take injections of HCG to make you shed those extra flabs. Instead, they ask you to take drops of the hormone on a daily basis. Ideally, a minimal calorie diet is prescribed during the time you take the drops. The best approach is to restrict your diet to low calorie basics. During the first three days of usage, you must not over eat. It is at this stage that your body is prepared for weight loss.
The actual weight loss starts form the third day and from this day onwards you need to keep to the diet plan without any deviation. This strict approach is required till the fifteenth day. By this period you will experience marked loss in body weight. After this stage, the maintenance stage commences where in your body has reached a balance between low fat diet and lesser fat accumulation in the body. Therefore, at this stage you will be required to keep your diet starch free for at least two to three weeks.
Once you have attained ideal weight, you can easily maintain your weight by regular exercise and minimal diet control. In most cases, the dosage of HCG drops is maintained at 25 drops before every meal. When adopting this approach to weight loss, Jacksonville Florida residents have found it easy to lose weight and maintain the ideal weight condition. So if you are planning to go on a diet to look trimmer, then HCG is your sure way out.