The primary function of someone who works in law firm bookkeeping is to carry out the billing and bookkeeping required by the firm. An accomplished and experienced individual who has a strong background in both bookkeeping and computing will be needed to fill such a position.
Experience and skills in bookkeeping and law firm billing, as well as in software such as Microsoft Office products and software such as Quickbooks, will be required in the majority of these positions. Experience is also likely to be necessary in the environment of a law firm or some other such professional organization.
Abilities, knowledge, and skills expected of a law firm bookkeeper
Most law firms will require a bookkeeper to have a minimum of two years of experience working as a full-time bookkeeper in a position that includes responsibilities such as client billing. A law firm bookkeeper will also be expected to have qualifications in bookkeepinsg, with an associate degree being particularly desirable.
Strong organizational and administration skills will also be expected and required, as will having a professional manner and appearance at all times.
Duties expected of a law firm bookkeeper
A law firm bookkeeper will normally be expected to carry out all bookkeeping functions within the firm, as well as all client billing functions. Bookkeepers will also be in charge of paying vendors, performing data entry for all client billings and cash receipts, processing credit card transactions, reconciling bank statements, making bank deposits, handling insurance, filing, and managing and overseeing the billing systems.
Law firm bookkeepers will also have to coordinate with the firm’s accountants and provide all financial reports monthly to the firm’s owner.