Tips for Bed Bug Detection & Removal

by | Jun 9, 2017 | Pest Control

Think you might have bed bugs?  Viking Pest, one of New York’s best bed bug removal companies, has a few tips to help you find out.
First, do you have bed bugs?  This question is harder to answer than you might imagine.  Bed bugs are nocturnal pests, which are rarely viewed by their victims.  Therefore, you have to look for evidence of them to see if you have them.

What are some signs of bed bugs?  Do you wake up with clusters of insect bites on exposed parts of your body?  Do you find dark red spots or smears on your bedding or mattress?  Have you found molted skins in your bedding?  Does your bedding smell sweet?  If so, you may have a bed bug problem.

What should you do if you have bed bugs?  If the problem is in its beginning stages, you may be able to handle it on your own.  Wash all of your bedding at 120 degrees or above (your washer’s normal hot setting should be hot enough).  Then dry your bedding in your dryer’s hottest setting for at least 30 minutes.

While your bedding is being cleaned, thoroughly vacuum your mattress, bed frame, under your bed, your headboard, and baseboards.  You want to vacuum every possibly crack and crevice.  Then either dispose of that vacuum bag outside in a sealed receptacle or thoroughly clean and sanitize and containers or filters in bagless vacuums.  Use specially-mad bed bug proof wraps for your mattress and box spring.  Then scrub all hard surfaces.

You may be tempted to try an over-the-counter pesticide for your bed bug problem, but they are resistant to most of them.  Instead, you can find bed bug traps, which attract and trap any hidden bugs.  Keep in mind that your pets can be hosts for bed bugs too, so make sure and treat any pet bedding like you did your bedding- washing and drying in hot temperatures.  Keep in mind that bed bugs don’t live on their hosts and are often hidden, so you may need to repeat this process multiple times before you have managed to eliminate your problem.

Of course, if you want a faster solution, you can call a pest removal company, like Viking, and have the professionals handle your bed bug removal.

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