Tips for Choosing the Right First Aid Training in Illinois

by | Apr 5, 2018 | Safety Equipment Supplies

Whether you are a volunteer organization such as a fire fighting company, volunteer ambulance corps or other provider of emergency services, or you are an employer who must have first aid training in Illinois for your staff, you will want to select the right provider. Not all training programs are alike, and it is in your best interests to take the time to shop around and find the ideal first aid training in Illinois for your needs.

Here are a few key points to consider, regardless of why you will need the first aid training in Illinois:

 * What does the training actually include? For instance, are their custom program features, such as combining first aid and CPR? Can the provider also scale the training based on your group’s needs. Can they go well beyond just the basics? If you are in need of this sort of expanded training and the provider is unable to offer such topics as adult and pediatric CPR, AED or bloodborne pathogen training in addition to first aid (and you need it), look elsewhere.

 * What sort of training do the instructors have? It might be surprising to learn that some organizations hire trainers without many years of experience in hands on work or instructing others in first aid. Find out what sorts of certifications your potential trainers will have and what sort of training they themselves have (and hopefully continue to obtain).

 * What is the approach used? Did you know that some groups give “first aid training” via video presentations and handouts alone? This does not allow for any hands on or practical applications of knowledge. In an emergency, it can mean that your entire group or team has no real idea of how it feels to do what it is they need to do at that precise moment. Having a feel of real world use of classroom, lecture, video and worksheet knowledge is invaluable.

 * Will they come to you? It is not always practical to have your group head to a far away destination for a day of training. It is better if the group can also come to you and bring all of the gear needed to give the ideal level of first aid training, and more.

If you are in need of premium first aid training in Illinois, use the criteria above to make the right choice.

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