Tips from a Hit and Run Accident Lawyer in Bowie, MD

by | Jan 20, 2017 | Law Services

It is illegal to leave the scene of an auto accident without notifying police. In most cases, a hit-and-run driver can face up to 15 years in a state prison and fines of $25,000 or more. However, stiff penalties are not always a deterrent to those breaking the law by driving drunk or not having enough auto insurance. Therefore, everyone should know what to do in the event of a hit-and-run auto accident.

Mistakes to Avoid After the Accident

Just as vital as knowing which steps to take after a hit-and-run is knowing what to avoid. The most crucial thing is for the victim to remain on the scene and wait for police without blocking traffic.

Collect All Possible Information

A hit-and-run victim should, if possible, gather information on the other motorist, such as their age, gender, hair color, license information and car make/model. Photos can provide important evidence, as can a written account of the accident. With the experience fresh in mind, a victim isn’t as likely to forget vital details. It’s a good idea to gather the names and information of eyewitnesses, as these accounts can affect a future claim.

Report the Incident

Police play a key role in the time following a hit-and-run, as they can investigate the accident scene, clean it up to make it safe, provide legal proof of the incident and attempt to locate the at-fault driver. Police officers can gather witnesses’ statements and information as well.

Get Medical Attention

Many times, car accident victims do not notice the severity and signs of injury. For that reason, victims should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. A thorough medical exam can increase a victim’s chances of a favorable outcome during a claim, and it provides the insurer and a hit and run accident lawyer in Bowie, MD with medical proof of the timing and origin of injuries.

Call a Lawyer

Regardless of a victim’s plans to file a claim against an insurance company or of taking the case to court, they should contact us to speak to a lawyer early in the claims process. Insurers often attempt to place blame on the victim, or they find other ways to deny a claim. However, a hit and run accident lawyer in Bowie, MD can work to get the most compensation possible for a client.

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