Tips on Finding a Genuine Coin Dealer

by | Jul 26, 2012 | Jewelry

Not every coin dealer is trustworthy. Some are very tricky fellows who take advantage of your naiveté. Before transacting with him/her, carry out a background check. Ask other dealers what they think of the person you want to deal with. Visit other coin collector shops checking whether they are dully registered. Find out the kind of coins on offer. They should match with what you are looking for. You need to establish whether a dealer owns the coins or is fronting for another person.

Establish good rapport with coin dealer, Oklahoma City collectors. Coin collection is a worthy hobby to pursue. These coins are steeped in history. Some are rare and priceless. You should avoid dealing with coins whose origin is suspect. Even the best coin collectors have at one time found themselves with a fake coin. Taking extra precaution is therefore in order

Coin dealer Oklahoma City

Below are some tips on finding a coin dealer of repute.

  • Dealer’s reputation: Ensure that the person you are dealing with has had a long experience in the business. He/she should be well spoken among coin collectors, dealers, and critiques. In addition, the dealer must have an in-depth understanding of the coin business as well as being of good standing.

  • Use referrals: The best people to advise you on coin dealer, Oklahoma City are the ones you trust. These are usually your best friends and close relatives. Should you have family members or friends who have benefited from a dealer’s service there before, such people can serve as reference. They can give you information that will make it easy to locate a dealer of repute.

  • American Numismatic Association: This is one of the best resources for anyone looking for a coin dealer. The association’s website lists all legitimate coin dealers. You can find the ones located in your area. Once you find such a dealer, you can confidently close any deals with him/her. The website acts as a form of quality control for coin dealers.

  • Yellow pages: This is a “no go” zone. You see, an unscrupulous coin dealer will also advertise him/herself here. When you get into such a person’s shop, chances of being exploited are pretty high. As soon as a dishonest dealer realizes that you do not have any knowledge on coins, he/she will manipulate you. That is how you end up with fakes or worthless coins.

  • Be informed: A few decades ago, coin collectors had to gain knowledge on coins through the hard way. Today you have the Internet as a one stop shop for all your information needs. Research intensively on the history and types of coins. With such knowledge, you will know the kind of coins to keep and look for.

 – You too can learn how to spot a genuine coin dealer. Coin collection is a hobby worth pursuing. Learn about other benefits of collecting coins. Go to our website for more information

Coin dealer Oklahoma City

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