Tips On Staying Cool This Summer From Your Residential Air Conditioning Service In Omaha, NE

by | Jun 24, 2015 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Some might say that air conditioning is not the absolute best invention in the history of the world, but a lot of people in Omaha would vote A/C #1, especially in July. Everyone appreciates their hard-working air conditioner, but here are a few easy-to-do tips that will help to keep the house cooler on the hottest days. Best of all, it will save money on the monthly electricity bill if the A/C doesn’t have to work quite so hard.

Staying Cool

• On hot days, postpone running the dishwasher or any other heat-generating appliance until evening.

• Slow moving ceiling fans increase the comfort zone for most people by about 4 degrees, making 82 degrees feel like 78 degrees.

• Shade trees are worth their weight in cool, cool air. This isn’t an immediate fix, by any means, but some trees are relatively fast-growing.

• Natural fibers, especially cotton, are cooler to wear than clothes made from synthetics.

• A lot of expensive, cool air can be lost in the ducts. Any cracks should be repaired. Ducts running through attics, crawl spaces or unheated basements should be insulated.

• Don’t cool rooms that are not being used.

For Windows:

• Use awnings to shade south-facing windows.

• Install mini-blinds on windows for a 40-50% reduction in solar heat gain.

• Inexpensive heat-reflecting film installed on windows facing the sun is another option for keeping heat out of the home.

• Keep windows closed and shaded during the day, but ventilate house at night to remove excess heat. Place window fans, facing out, in the downwind windows.

Air Conditioner Tips From Your Residential Air Conditioning Service in Omaha NE:

• Running a dehumidifier while the air conditioner is running will increase the cooling load, forcing the air conditioner to work harder.

• Clean or change the A/C’s filter every month. Dirty filters reduce air flow by as much as 1% each week.

• Providing shade for the outside portion of your central A/C will increase the efficiency of the unit by 5-10%.

• Air conditioners run at maximum efficiency only when they are properly maintained.

Accurate Heating & Cooling has been providing high-quality Residential Air Conditioning Service in Omaha NE for 17 years. They offer an extensive Clean and Check for your air conditioner that will keep it running at peak efficiency throughout the long, hot summer. Visit here to get more information.

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