Top Benefits of Price Tracker Software

by | Jun 2, 2014 | Business

Companies are always looking to do better. Most companies have some sort of survey choice for consumers that shop at their stores and may offer rewards to those who sign up for email newsletters or have a rewards card with the store. This is all important, but it is also important for a business to succeed to use price tracker software.

Track Prices

Of course, software that is meant to track prices will do so for any or all comparable companies. The data you receive is in an easy-to-understand interface and you can even get email or text alerts if you want. With specialized software, you can do all of this automatically with the click of a mouse or have it set up to send you alerts whenever you wish. You could probably track prices on your own, but it would mean a lot of data being processed and hiring help. With a simple piece of software, you can have everything at your fingertips.

Your reports and all data can be customized to fit your needs. This means that you can eliminate some information or ask for added information that you deem necessary. You can have information sent at specific times, to specific emails or phone numbers, or access it online through your member portal. No matter what you want, it is available.


Not only will you be able to tell prices of the competitor’s products, you can scan many websites or products or brands to determine the assortment of products available, prices and other data. This is a great tool, as you can ultimately see everything a consumer would see and can make better decisions about your own company.

Engine Scans

Another great option with tracking software is that you can search a shopping engine for your entire product assortment. This will allow you to see every vendor and listed price for each product you also sell. This is amazing, because you can ultimately find out what every single company is offering compared to yours and can change prices or add products accordingly.


Online businesses rely heavily on shipping products to locations. You may have a decently priced item, but if you charge more for shipping than other companies, people may consider going elsewhere. Consumers don’t want to spend a lot of their money on shipping. You can ultimately see what competitors charge for shipping, their add-to-cart pricing and any sales tax they may include.

If you want the best in price tracker software, you definitely should consider Price Manager. Visit them online today and receive a demo request.

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