Top-Quality Tumbled Travertine

by | May 19, 2015 | Flooring

Tumbled travertine is one of the most popular floor tile choices in the world. The tile is constantly in high demand among those looking to give their property a certain rustic appeal. Rusticity isn’t an easy thing for any amateur interior decorator to accomplish without thought, but travertine makes the feat much more achievable.

Owners of indoor and outdoor property alike are often highly pleased with the atmospheric effect that travertine flooring can have. Travertine’s appeal is both timeless and modern. There have been many breakthroughs and advancements in the science of interior and outdoor design since tumbled travertine was first employed, and it has passed the test of time with flying colors.

People who own property for outdoor socialization, like patios and swimming pools, are highly receptive to tumbled travertine. With some strategic travertine tile placement, property owners can bring out a soothing natural aura in all of their facilities.

The Creation Process

Tumbled travertine is a type of limestone that is popularly harvested from hot springs. The final product is given its soft edge by a thorough process called tumbling, in which the abrasives are sifted and mixed repeatedly. Because of the extensive tumbling, the hard limestone tiles have a smooth and clean edge.

Substance Fused With Style

There’s a good chance that you’ve seen tumbled travertine used for the floors of many driveways and pool decks – this is not only just a stylistic choice, but a practical one as well. The composition of this travertine variety makes it highly desirable for the tiling of areas in which a high friction coefficient is important.

Investing in this form of travertine means that you don’t have to compromise functionality or fashion for the final product.

Versatile Application

Professional establishment owners and homeowners know that the impression a room makes on first-time visitors is very important. Thanks to the inviting appeal of this travertine, it can set a comfortable tone for anybody first setting foot in a room that it decorates.

The tiles are used on bathroom and kitchen walls just as often as they are used as tiling for floors, driveways and decks. When it comes to thinking of where you could place your travertine tiles, the possibilities are virtually endless.

In addition to the smooth composition, the colors that this travertine is available in contribute to the aesthetic appeal. Travertine color tones are expressive without being jarring, maximizing the versatility of their potential applications to different areas.

The tones that travertine is created in, such as sandy beige and muted ivory; easily compliment many natural decorative ornaments without being overbearing. The neutral shades interact well with deep blue waters and rich green leaves.

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