If you have children, lead in your home can cause a number of long-term health and behavior issues. Lead is a hazard to children, particularly those under the age of six years, and it can be found in paint, dust, and soil. This can be introduced to your child’s body through direct touching of contaminated toys, paint chips, or dust to the mouth. Lead can also cause serious harm to pregnant women and their developing fetuses. For these reasons and more, it is in your best interest to consider lead testing the moment that you suspect you may have a problem with the material. By doing so, you promote a healthier and safer environment within your household and ensure that no one is exposed to a dangerous material.
Prior to 1978
Lead was used in paint up until the late 1970s and you should have lead testing done in your home if you know for a fact that it was built before 1978. In the past, many materials were unknowingly causing harm to homeowners, such as asbestos insulation. While lead paint is not a direct threat simply by existing, paint that has reached the end of its lifespan will begin to crack and chip over time and this can quickly cause a serious problem for anyone exposed to it. Air Care & Restoration Co., Inc. is an example of a company capable of performing such a test in minimal time and at a cost-effective price.
Close to a Freeway
If your home is near a freeway or busy roadway where leaded gasoline and its exhaust may have polluted the soil, you should consider lead testing for your property. Lead in the soil can make it difficult to grow healthy plants in a garden and any contact with contaminated soil is a potential risk of getting lead in your system. Children are curious by nature and they have yet to learn that not everything they can hold in their hands should be placed in their mouths. Testing early and finding a solution may yet save them from complications. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.