Many drivers avoid going downtown because they don’t want to deal with the hassle of finding parking. Fortunately, finding affordable parking downtown in Bellevue and Seattle just got a little easier. Here are some tips to take the stress out of parking.
Reserve Parking Online
Services like Park Seattle allow drivers to find and reserve parking before they leave their homes. Knowing that a parking spot is waiting is a great feeling. No more driving around the block looking for an open meter or empty garage.
To use this service, drivers go online to the service’s website and type in the address or street where they want to park. The website brings up a list of available parking spaces and lots. Drivers click on the “Reserve” tab and begin the reservation process.
Plan Ahead
Reserving parking the day of an event before heading out the door is one way to ease the stress of driving downtown, but what’s even better is planning farther ahead. Parking for events like concerts and sporting events can sell out early the day of or even a couple of days before the event. Luckily, online services like Park Seattle let drivers reserve spots weeks ahead of time. The earlier one reserves parking, the more choices they’ll have and the more they’ll save.
Find the Best Parking Spot Today
Parking downtown in Bellevue and other Seattle neighborhoods doesn’t have to be a pain anymore. Hop online and find the best parking spot today with Park Seattle.