Types of Circumstances That Will Be of Interest to a Personal Injury Attorney in Macon, GA

by | Nov 1, 2019 | Personal Injury

A personal injury attorney in Macon, GA represents people who have been injured on someone’s property due to negligence that caused an accident. The legal classification for this kind of case is known as premises liability. One of the more common incidents would be slipping and falling on a wet floor. A lawyer would only be needed if the person suffered a major injury and if the insurer disputes the claim.

Circumstances and Responsibility

Normal circumstances generally do not qualify, even if a person has been seriously hurt on residential, commercial or institutional property. There has to be evidence of negligence or carelessness on the part of the property owner or the owner is not liable.

In some instances, the person is entirely responsible for what happened, and the property owner cannot be blamed. Someone might trip and fall on a stairway, for instance, but this may have occurred only because a shoe was untied and the individual was not holding onto the railing.

Preventive Measures

The same is true if the owner took preventive measures to alert people of hazards. For example, someone walking in a store and staring down at a phone screen may not see the yellow caution sign warning everyone that the floor is wet. Slipping and falling, then, would be considered that person’s own fault.

Beginning the Case

During a free consultation with a personal injury attorney in Macon, GA, the person can learn whether or not this is a case worth pursuing. If the lawyer believes this is a sound case and the person hires the attorney, an investigation can begin to verify more details of what happened. The lawyer may need the extra evidence to present to the insurance company if the adjusters are to be convinced the client deserves compensation.

Contingency Service

Attorneys with an organization such as Edwards & Bullard Law usually work with clients on a contingency basis. They collect a fee only if the case has a positive outcome and after compensation has been received. People who are accepted as clients thus know the lawyer believes a satisfactory result will be achieved.

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