Understanding Cannabis Facility Design

by | Dec 7, 2022 | Cannabis

Usually, cannabis is grown in controlled environments such as greenhouses and indoor farms. Some state regulations are easier to follow when farms are in controlled environments like these. With the right cannabis facility design, these facilities also help with quality control and production in many ways.

HVACD Designs

For a facility to work well, the cannabis production facility design needs to consider many needs and features specific to the product and the indoor environment. One of the most important parts of HVACD systems is how they are put together. Grow rooms need systems that can handle sensible and latent loads that change over time. Systems and equipment can be simple and inefficient or very complex and good at saving energy.

Other Design Considerations

With a cannabis facility design, you need enough water supply to water plants, cool down processes, and put out fires. Facilities require a source of energy for general space heating, reheating to get rid of humidity, and heating water for homes. The grow rooms should have a lot of vertical space for benches or racks, room for plants to grow, grow lights, HVACD equipment and ductwork, and fire sprinklers.

Irrigation/fertigation systems with water treatment/purification equipment, nutrient injection or mixing equipment, storage tanks, and automated controls. Controls that are built into each grow room and, ideally, work for all functions.

There are two sets of emergency power systems and equipment for a facility. Some facilities choose to back up some of the lighting and HVACD equipment used to grow plants. Usually, the goal is to keep security and life-safety systems running and to keep plants alive during an outage.

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