Understanding loose Fill problems: Tips from Professional Paving Contractor in Norwich CT

by | Sep 1, 2014 | Business

Most homeowners are not aware of common paving problems. Proper installation ensures that your driveway and walkways last many years without frequent repairs. However, there are several factors that cause problems to any residential or commercial paving. Many homeowners mistakenly believe loose fill is not prone to many problems compared to other paved surfaces. However, loose fill is vulnerable to many problems just like other surfaces. Here are some of the loose fill problems as explained by Paving Contractor in Norwich CT

* Bumpy surface on unpaved dirt roads.

* Potholes that develop in pavement. These holes can develop in almost all paving materials. They are mainly caused by extreme weather elements like the natural freeze-thaw cycles.

* Trough. This is similar to pothole. It is big, and forms a long indentation.

* Erosion. All pavements are prone to erosion caused by extreme weather conditions and frequent use.

* Water pools. This is caused by unstable substance on the ground that makes the subsurface sink over time.

* Grading problems. This problem will occur when contractors fail to do proper site preparation before paving. Slope problems lead to the development of potholes over time.

How to resolve paving problems

Although loose fill paving experiences the same problems as other surfaces, it is easier to deal with these problems than with other more permanent surfaces. If you are experiencing any of the above problems, you should hire a professional Paving Contractor in Norwich CT who can do a thorough job. Some incompetent contractors may just seal cracks or put a loose fill which will only last for a few weeks. More work will be required to resolve the problem. It may require you to rework the substrate layers of soil beneath your loose fill to ensure a stable ground that will not form bumpy grounds after paving.

Of course, the permanent solution to any loose fill problem is to install conventional bricks, stone or asphalt paving. This is not one of those projects that you can do on your own. It requires you to hire an experienced Paving Contractor in Norwich CT.

There are professional contractors who can make sure that your driveway or walkway is returned to its original condition. The Driveway Guys of CT is a company that has been offering paving solutions to homeowners for many years. They offer excellent paving solutions at a very competitive price.

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