Cigars have long been used to celebrate a variety of special occasions. However, due to the dangers of smoking, fewer people are choosing to actually break out the traditional cigars, even in celebration of a special event. Instead of giving out real cigars, you can choose chocolate cigars instead. These tasty treats provide the feeling of receiving a cigar without the dangers associated with actually smoking them. This fact makes choosing chocolate for your cigars the best choice for your next major event.
Celebrate Babies
Cigars were traditionally given out by new fathers in celebration of the birth of their child, especially when they had a son. Instead of passing out traditional cigars, though, giving out chocolate that is wrapped in either pink or blue is a great way to reveal the sex of the baby or even to simply celebrate the birth. Stick close to the tradition while providing your friends and family with something no one will feel guilty about enjoying.
Celebrate Work
Most people don’t really think about the need to celebrate their job. However, if you have found you are up for a promotion or a significant raise, it can be a great reason to celebrate. Whether you are passing something out to your co-workers or to your family and friends to announce the major promotion, chocolate cigars can be a great way to do it. Everyone will be able to enjoy the delicious chocolate, while few would enjoy a good cigar.
Celebrate a Marriage
Not many people think of using cigars as a way to celebrate a marriage. If you are interested in finding something fun and unique to give out to your guests, either to announce your pending marriage or as a favor at your wedding reception, cigars made from chocolate can be a great option. Your guests will love finding these delicious chocolates wrapped in your wedding colors. Even though some people will save them as a memento, others will choose to enjoy them.
Choosing chocolate cigars over the traditional cigars can provide your recipients with an enjoyable treat they can eat or save if they choose. Whether you are looking for a way to celebrate the birth of a new baby, a promotion at work or your marriage, these cigars will be appreciated by all. You don’t need to worry about whether you will offend someone because just about everyone enjoys tasty chocolate at some point or another.