Using an Online Gold Silver Pawn Shop to Sell Your Jewelry

by | Mar 5, 2013 | Business And Finance

Selling old gold and silver jewelry can be a great way to make some quick cash when you need it. Whether it’s an item that was given to you by an ex-significant other that you no longer want or it’s a piece that you’ve found that you just don’t wear anymore, there are plenty of reasons to clean out your jewelry box. Fortunately for you, an online gold silver pawn shop will accept fine jewelry of all shapes and sizes, and many will guarantee to pay you top dollar for your items.

Don’t Get Cheated
When it comes to selling your gold and silver, pawn shop options generally provide the best value to you. While you could try and sell your jewelry on an online auction site, you may end up getting much less for your item than you’d have liked if not enough people bid. To prevent not getting the full resale value for your item, skip the do-it-yourself options. An online gold silver pawn shop will pay you a great price and you won’t have to do anything once you’ve mailed your item to the service. They’ll take it from there!

A Professional Opinion
The folks that look at fine jewelry for online pawn shops know what they’re talking about. They know what to look for and more importantly, they know what items like yours are selling for. When it comes to gold and silver, pawn shop appraisers will look at things like quality, wear and tear, and the amount of precious metal used. Based on this analysis – they’ll be able to provide you with a quality offer that you can choose to either accept or deny based on what you’re looking to earn. Keep in mind, however, that any transaction will be based on the resale value of an item – NOT necessarily the full retail value. This will be true in any resale scenario.

Don’t Let it Sit
A small pendant may be worth a few hundred dollars. That old ring you haven’t worn in ten years could be worth a thousand dollars. When it comes to gold and silver, pawn shop options will allow you to cash in on these unwanted items and get the cash you deserve! Why just let them sit there when you could be making a profit? Go through your collection today and see what you could be trading in for some extra spending cash with an online gold silver pawn shop!

UltraPawn is a safe and reliable online pawn shop that is happy to accept both gold and silver jewelry pieces. If you’re ready to be paid top dollar for the items you’re no longer using, visit to get started today.

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