Warning Signs That You Need Electric Repair In Indianapolis

by | May 13, 2016 | Electrician and Electrical

Electrical problems in the home can be very dangerous if they’re not repaired by a professional. There are several signs that homeowners should look for that signal there’s an issue with the electrical system. Read about the signs below and then contact a technician for electric repair in Indianapolis as soon as possible.

A Burning Smell Near An Electrical Outlet

If you smell a burning odor every time you’re near a specific electrical outlet, this is a sign that something behind the outlet plate is overheating. Odor that smells like burning rubber often means that the electrical wires are burnt. In addition to the odor, it’s not uncommon for a black residue to be on the inside and outside of the outlet cover. As the problem gets worse, individuals may also see smoke coming out of the holes in the outlet plate.

Circuit Breakers Frequently Tripping

When the circuit breaker trips, this means that it’s overloaded because there are too many things throughout the house that are plugged in. When a circuit breaker trips, this is to keep electrical wires from getting too hot. If the circuit breaker is tripping numerous times, this is a warning to a homeowner that a professional should be called. In addition to having appliances plugged in, families today have many electronic items that also use electricity, and this puts a strain on the electrical system in the home.

Lights That Flicker Off And On

When a light repeatedly flickers on and off, this could mean that there’s a problem with a specific light fixture. If the wiring to the light fixture is loose, an electrician can inspect the light fixture and fix any connection problems. If there isn’t a problem with the light fixture, there may be an issue with the wiring inside the breaker box. In this case, a technician who provides electric repair in Indianapolis can make the needed repairs to the wiring in the circuit box.

If you notice any of these electrical warning signs, contact the professional electricians at Business Name. This company provides electrical services, such as circuit repair, barn wiring, upgrades and lighting installation. Visit the website at website domain for a full list of their services and to contact the company for a free estimate.

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