Ways to Get the Best Prices for Propane Delivery in Lebanon, OH

by | Dec 7, 2020 | Agriculture

With many sectors of the economy still in turmoil, while the pandemic continues, some households who live in areas with cold winters are worried about making ends meet. Rural homeowners have a bit more control over the price they pay for heat if they rely on propane delivery in Lebanon, OH. That’s not the case with natural gas, the standard for residences in municipalities.

Winter can be expensive when paying for heat and the additional electricity costs for lighting and running the furnace fan. Homeowners can use effective methods to keep their cost for propane delivery in Lebanon OH, relatively low.

People who expect to purchase propane during the winter by placing single orders for each delivery can monitor current pricing per gallon online. Prices are published from October through March. When the price rises, this tends to be a smart time to order delivery. The cost is likely to continue that upward trend for at least a few weeks.

One effective way to guarantee a better deal is to have the tank filled during the summer. Most customers are not placing orders then, which means prices are almost always at the cheapest point for the year. Although one tank probably won’t last an entire winter, it will get the household through the first part of the season.

A third strategy is to sign a contract with a propane delivery service during the summer. This locks in a top price for the customer, and a driver routinely adds fuel to the tank without anyone having to place an order.

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