Ways to Tell if You’re Getting Served Quality Seafood in Charleston

by | Nov 9, 2020 | Seafood Wholesaler

Going out to eat with friends or family can be a wonderful treat. If that dining experience includes well-made seafood, your party is sure to have a terrific time. A meal consisting of top-tier, fresh seafood is delicious, fulfilling, and often healthier. But, not all restaurants put the same effort into preparing their dishes. Here are ways to tell if you are getting high-quality seafood.

Inquire When the Seafood Delivery Arrives

With most restaurants, the food deliveries come on a consistent schedule. When your server gathers your drink order, question what day the fish is received. If they are not able to find out or the delivery day is far from the current day, there is a chance the oysters, claims, or shrimp were not recently caught. You can get fresh seafood in Charleston, SC, choosing locations that receive their ingredients daily or a couple of times per week.

Understand What Is in Season

With the technology we have today, foods can get easily transported across many miles.

You can have most fruits or vegetables at any time of the year. But, it is much healthier to eat foods that are from local sources and are in season. Before you try a restaurant, glance online to learn what is in season. Getting fresh seafood in Charleston, SC, is often found at the locations that carry seafood that is currently getting caught.

Mount Pleasant Seafood is a great place to try when searching for fresh seafood in Charleston, SC. See more about what they offer at web.

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