There are times when selling your house fast, for cash, is a necessity. It can be frustrating to wait for months to sell your house at a fair price. There are three approaches to selling a house, one faster than the others.
- Put the property in the hands of a real estate agent
- Try to sell the house yourself,
and Sell it to a real estate investor who advertises, “We buy houses in Riverside.”
Hire a Local Real Estate Agent
If you are not pressed for time, hiring a local real estate agent is a good option. You will get the best price, and real estate professionals do the bulk of the work. However, it can easily take six months or more to close the sale. Upon completion of the sale, your agent, and the buyer’s agent collect commissions. The average commission is six percent, three percent to your agent, three percent to the buyer’s agent.
Try to Sell the House Privately
Six percent commission on the price of a house is a lot of money. To avoid paying commissions, many homeowners will go the DIY route. They try to sell the house themselves. The homeowner has to do the work a realtor would do, and the time to close a deal is not necessarily any shorter.
Sell to a Real Estate Investor
If time is of the essence, and you must sell quickly, selling to a real estate investor who advertises, “We buy houses in Riverside” is a good option. As the investor will buy any house, “as is,” you do not have to make any repairs or undertake any maintenance. The property will sell at a discount, but the deal can close in a week. The proceeds of the sale are paid to you in cash.