Depending on where you live in Arkansas, you might see a lot of tornados in a year or none. Some areas of the state are regularly slammed with these dangerous cyclones. The state sees on average 26 tornados every year, but the majority of these storms are concentrated in the west, northwest and south parts of the state. Still, it is a good idea to look at building tornado shelters in Arkansas. Here are a few of the more popular building options.
Under the Garage Floor
Whether your garage is attached to your house or detached and a few feet away from the house, you can still build a shelter into the garage floor. The contractors that build tornado shelters in Arkansas usually cut a large rectangle into the floor, dig out a large space underneath, provide supporting structures, and then insert what resembles a mini shipping container into the floor. The lid on this rectangular shelter opens, shuts and locks from the inside only so that you can’t possibly be trapped inside. Only a ton of heavy debris sitting on the lid can prevent you from exiting.
Separate Underground Bunker
If you prefer, a separate underground bunker can be built on your property. It’s best to locate it close to the house because when twisters begin touching down you don’t have a lot of time to get to the shelter. It also serves as a safe space in the event you experience intruders or a break-in. You can make a mad dash to safety if you can leave the home and the intruder undetected.