Opiates, also known as Opioids and/or Narcotics, are drugs, or derivatives of drugs which come from the Opium Poppy flower. The poppies grown in America are not Opium Poppies, rather, most the world’s Opium is grown in Afghanistan.
Opiates react with a particular part of the Central Nervous System called the Opiate Receptor System. Opiates bind to the Opiate receptors, which causes two things to occur. First, Opiates are pain killers and some Opiates are more potent pain killers than others. Secondly, Opiates can provide, for some people, a euphoric feeling or a high.
When a person takes Opiates over an extended period of time, like every day for one month or more; what usually happens is that the person will make more Opiate Receptors in their brain. That is something called tolerance. A person might start with, for example, two Lortab pills per day. After some time, that very same dose will not be as effective as it previously was, so the person must increase the dose in order to achieve the desired effect. Then, after a person has taken high doses of Opiates over a long period of time; the person has essentially damaged their brain, which has developed over time, more and more Opiate Receptors. That is how tolerance develops.
Once a person is tolerant to high doses of Opiates, they must then take high doses of Opiates regularly to avoid going into Withdrawal Symptoms. Once that degree of tolerance is attained, the person no longer gets the euphoric feeling or the high from the Opiates. People who are tolerant to high doses of Opiates, continue taking Opiates on a regular basis. Doing so helps to keep from going into withdrawal symptoms, which can be extremely uncomfortable. The person is hooked, or addicted at that point.
If you or someone you know, has a problem with Opiates; call today-The Drug and Alcohol Detox Clinic of South Mississippi @ 601.261.9101. Or check out their website @Web You can follow them on Google+ for more information. There’s Still Hope!