What Are The Signs Of Over-Training?

by | Dec 17, 2019 | Fitness Training Center

Light exercising is good for you. More exercising must be even better, right? Absolutely! However, it’s only beneficial to some point; once you begin overdoing it, it can become a disaster. Over-training could even lead to a dip in fitness level and possible injury. Before it’s too late, here are signs to look out for.

Decreased performance

If you notice that you have been increasing the intensity or volume of your workouts with a lack of improved performance, you could be over-training without any added benefits. Decreased performance may be translated in terms of reduced endurance, agility, and strength.

Chronic injuries

Torn, strained, or overused muscles and joints can cause chronic pain. Chronic pain that doesn’t subside within two weeks could be classified as an injury. Over-training wears out the body’s system and makes it vulnerable to infections. Some complications, such as low testosterone and low bone mineral density, are also common occurrences.

Increased supposed effort during exercises

If you begin feeling like you are trying too much to achieve your routine fitness goals, this could be a clear tell-tale of over-training. Signs such as an elevated heart rate during regular workouts or your heart rate taking longer to return to a normal rate after a workout are clear indications of over-training.

Consider consulting a professional instructor on how to regulate your workouts and return your body to normal. Proper nutrition, rest, and recovery should be priorities. Contact THE MAX Challenge of Bedminster/Basking Ridge now to book an appointment with our top instructors!

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